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April Vacation Theater Kids Workshop!
The sun will come out... this April Vacation! Bet your bottom dollar with our brand new APRIL VACATION WEEK THEATER KIDS WORKSHOP: ​...
Let's Dance the Snow Away!
Yes! There are classes today. If you need to bring your shovels and snow gear, we will provide drying racks for your wet things! If you...
Classes are ON for today!
We are all shoveled/snow blown out. Thanks to Todd, Joe, Moggz and Dre! Classes will be held tonight. Please think Spring thoughts from...
No Classes Tonight
Hi all, Unfortunately due to the snow, we are unable to have classes tonight. With that, we will need to discuss make up classes in the...
Zumba Spring Session starts this Wednesday!
UPDATE: Due to the storm, we have postponed Zumba until next week! Just a reminder that Zumba with Nicole's Spring Class Sessions will...
Exciting things are happening at Mitchell's!
Exciting things are happening at Mitchell's this coming MONTH!! STAGE 1 & 2 THEATER WORKSHOP CLASSES begin March 3rd. Musical in a...
No Classes this week!
Just a reminder that there are no dance lessons this week due to February vacation. Enjoy some rest and relaxation as we get into Recital...
2 for 1 ZUMBA Valentine's Day Special
Join us this Valentine's Day Wednesday, February 14th at 6:15 pm for a 2 for 1 ZUMBA SPECIAL!! Get your heart pumping, your blood flowing...
Saturday Morning Theater Classes starting in March
Oh the weather outside is frightful... And your child's not so delightful... You need someplace for them to go? Send them to Mitchell's...
No Wednesday Classes Tonight
We wanted to let everyone know that we will not be having dance lessons tonight, Wednesday February 7th. After learning that there are no...
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